Chelsey Sexton

Web Developer

(Also, )


CSS Creature

A fun creature made using only HTML and CSS. Created during the very first day of Gold Badge.

Static Layout

A static recreation of a webpage using only HTML and CSS. Created during the very first week of Gold Badge

Pokemon API

Data pulled from a public API and displayed via DOM manipulation. Done during the second week of Gold Badge.


Data pulled from a private API utilizing an API key and displayed via DOM manipulation. Done during the third week of Gold Badge.

Blue Badge TBA

Red Badge TBA

About Me

Profile Pi cture

Hi! My name is Chelsey Sexton and I'm currently a web development student at Eleven Fifty Academy.

Previously a Pharmacy Technician, I've always had a natural gravitation toward problems in need of solutions. From simple ones such as: locating a mediciation for a patient when it's unavaiable. To more difficult ones like: creating a system to ensure the accurate and smooth ordering of necessary supplies while under strict time constraints.

That passion for problem solving drives me to put those skills to use helping others, and my discovery of coding has allowed me to push that desire even further.


HTML5 | CSS3 | JavaScript | Bootstrap | GitHub | Slack | Excel
