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Eleven Fifty Academy

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Course Information

Free Intro Courses - Online

Want to discover if you'd enjoy a career in coding or cybersecruity? Try one of our FREE intro courses from home.

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Full-Time 12/14-Week Courses

Learn today's most relevant software development or cybersecurity skills to kick off a new career in the tech industry.

Full-Time Courses >

Part-Time 24-Week Courses

Our part-time coding bootcamps allow students the flexibility to work while attending class virtually and on-site. Make money and change careers at the same time.

Part-Time Courses >

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The tech world is rapidly evovling. Our curriculum keeps pace.

Eleven Fifty Academy is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit code and cybersecurity academy and was the first coding bootcamp in Indiana. We believe in impacting the lives of students by providing relevant coding skills for the most in-demand jobs in today's tech ecosystem.